I'm just glad there wasn't some super obvious answer I had looked over in the game menu or on the label or something. Buy used: 29. I only have a few Genesis games, but MK1 is one of them, and I like playing any game with the controller it was designed for if possible. Best Answer Copy It is used to emulate an original 3-button gamepad for Genesis, because some games may glitch when you use a 6-button controller.

My main interest in asking the question was to try to further determine where on my buying list a 6-button controller should fall. I think it was a CGR video refuting the AVGN Genesis vs. In one video I recall watching the port of MK2 was then referenced with the 6-button controller as an example of how Sega/Midway fixed this problem, but it was left unclear as to whether or not MK1 supported the 6-button controller or not. Looking back on why I wrote that, the only reason I think that is because one of the criticisms leveled against the Genesis version of MK1 is that it didn't really offer an arcade-type experience because of the lower number of buttons compared to the SNES port.